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Whether you´re tired of struggling your way through life, tired of dieting, all the rules and all the restrictions, tired of spending so much time pondering what you´re allowed to eat or not.

Whether you´re eating with guilt or a bad conscience or feeling unhappy or uncomfortable in your body, the road to change is the same.

It has nothing to do with the food you´re eating nor your body, it has only to do with your thoughts and feelings about the food and your body.


What would you like to change?

According to your desire, we will turn our focus toward your goal, whether it is to feel better about your body, your approach to exercise or achieving a healthier and happier relationship to food.

There is a way to enjoy everything you love to eat and drink, while at the same time finding your ideal body. Change your pattern of thoughts, shift your old beliefs to new and more beneficial ones and you can expect completely different results.



Väg mot vacker soluppgång
Dator och anteckningsblock redo att användas
Kaffe och choklad i och på fint och talande porslin


Are you longing for an enjoyable and balanced relationship to your body and to food?

Whether you´re overweight, underweight or like to keep your current weight, you can find your ideal body without giving up the food you like and relaxed evenings on your couch. 

I´ve lived in both worlds myself.

I spent 20 years of my life in the first one, where my primary goal was to eat as restricted as possible, following the rules as much as I could and eating as little as possible. All in hopes of being thin enough to appreciate myself.

In the second world, where I live now and have been for the past decade, my life is completely different.

Today I can eat what ever I desire and I have never felt better about myself and my body.

Regardless of how much I eat, when I eat it and what I choose to eat, just by starting listening to my body, I´ve found my ideal weight.

In this course I´ve divided the subject into different parts, so that you can apply this new approach on yourself and your life.

By taking it one step at the time, you too can reach the place where you are able to eat everything that you love and finding your ideal body at the same time.

The course addresses your relationship with food, with your body and with exercise. (Not even exercise is necessary in this equation)!

You´ll get practical and written exercises to let go of old beliefs that you no longer want to live by and how to shift or change a specific thought.

The course is divided into three steps over three weeks, but you can extend it for as long as you need and are comfortable with and you can start when ever you´d like.


Here´s your opportunity to leave the struggle, the confusion, the draining energy and the guilt behind and feel the shift as you´re turning from up stream to down stream and in an satisfying and easy going way, finding the road to your own ideal body.


I will start the session by letting you know a little bit about myself, my journey and how the "law of attraction" is relevant to your feelings about your body, your current shape and how you can change your relationship to food into something different and more pleasing than before.

If you have any specific questions we will tend to those right away. If not, you let me know a little about your story, where you´d like to see some change, what you´d like to achieve and we´ll take from there.


Time: 60 or 30 min


60 min is suitable if it is your first session, since we´re spending some time talking about the connection of it all and for greater understanding of your capability and impact of your new path.

It is also suitable for upcoming sessions, when you´d like to address several areas of your life or when you´d like deepened understanding and truly let the process become part of your life.

30 min is suitable if you only have a few questions or when you´d like a reminder or a reboot.



Would you like to meet IRL and in the comfort of your own home?

If you live in Uddevalla or nearby, I´d be happy to visit.

Just like a phone session, I´ll start by telling you a bit about my story, how the "law of attraction" is connected to the way you feel about your body and how your relationship to food can change and improve.

If you have any specific questions or certain areas you´d like to focus upon, we´ll start there. If not, you can let me know a little bit about yourself and we´ll take it from there.


Time: 60 min 




Would you like to start your new life and your new way of thinking together with your friends?

Invite a minimum of 4 people to your home and I´d be happy to visit.

You can customize the setup just as

you´d like it to be, according to your desires as a group.

We can also use my setup, which means that, just like a private session, I start by letting you know about my journey and about the "law of attraction".

You will have the opportunity to work with your own issues, using written exercises, we´ll share and discuss within the group and save the last part of the session for questions.


Time: 120 min for 5 participants 

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